lunedì 29 febbraio 2016

Come si dice 'tutt'e due' (come usare both)

entrambi/e,tutt'e due.e' usato per persone,cose,animali
Are both your parents from Milan?
Both flats are for sale

both of 
coi pronomi
Both of them work in a supermarket
it dangerous for both of us
Both of us like swimming

coi nomi
both of those cars
both of John's colleagues
both of the houses
prima di my, his, these, the....

si può usare  Both oppure  Both of + nome plurale
se si usa both senza of non si mette l'articolo 'the'
Both of the parents were nervous. Both parents were nervous.

prima del verbo                   we both went to the cocnerte yesterday
dopo il verbo essere,avere   they are
both vegetarian
                                           they have both got green eyes
dopo l'ausiliare,modali         you must
both be here tomorrow
They should both go on holiday
                                           My parents can
both speak French
DOPOil pronome                   We missed them both  He spoke to us both

I'll buy both
We both wanted to watch Star Wars
They both liked that knickerbocker glory.
My parents both work in the same building.
They have both lived in Rome all their lives
Are you working on Friday or Saturday next week? Both!
John and Sara both went to the party

what is knickerbocker glory?
una coppa di gelato (cream sundae)
con gelato,frutta,meringa,panna montata,noci,sciroppo disposti a strati

Come Preparare un Knickerbocker Glory

A sister is both your mirror and your opposite. Elizabeth Fishel
Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power. Clint Eastwood
Both tears and sweat are salty, but they render a different result.
Tears will get you sympathy; sweat will get you change. Jesse Jackson

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